DIRECT FORCE Association (DFA) whose members’ average age is 72. The Association was established in 2002 by retired higher positioned people from various companies and organizations like senior executives of manufacturers, trading companies, banks and lawyers, doctors and all sorts of industry.
It utilizes its members’ knowledges and personal connections for social contribution. The Association is quite unique group of legendary business fighters in Japan. Nearly 1400 people joined DFA from the start and now 650 members are actively engaged in various activities under the motto ‘Challenge for 100-year Life’. The following are main activities:
- 21 Clubs of the same hobbies and sports for enjoying the second life
- Academic Activities (passing knowledges and experiences to young people for their future)
- Visiting Lectures of Science
- Experiments for elementary schools (over 240 times annually)
- Visiting Lectures for high schools
- Lecturers (part-time, temporary) at universities (over 140 lectures)
- Company Tour Arrangements for overseas universities, graduate schools etc.
- Study Groups for studying professional activities
- Business Support Activities (business consulting activities for 50 companies mainly venture companies for their sales, overseas expansion)
- Executive Recruitment like advisors, auditors, executives etc.
- Support Business for realty business and fund management
- Social Contribution Activities like environment protection, medical-related activities
- Business Matching Support between Japanese and overseas companies
The above activities are highly appreciated year by year and member applicants are increasing.In addition to the above famous people’s lectures are held. Lecturers are like Nobel prize winner, politicians, people from culture and business world.
From now onwards tie-up with other companies and organizations will make the Association develop stronger and the Association will do contribute to the society widely and be expected as a group of legendary seniors.
Representative Director of Direct Force
Chairman of Nihon CIO
(Chief Information Officer Association)
Work History
- Managing Director of IBM JAPAN, Ltd
- Chairman of Pasona Inc.,
- Vice president of NI+C (Nihon Joho Tsushin Corporation)
- President of Net