I therefore heartily welcomed the strong message from the G20 Eminent Persons Group (EPG) on Global Financial Governance. The EPG made an articulate and unapologetic call for a well functioning multilateral system, alongside national governments and other actors. In championing the case for bolstering the system, the EPG also conveyed a sense of urgency for action.
To deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, the multilateral system, in partnership with national governments and the private sector, needs to deliver better, more and faster. This is true especially as the world faces a number of global challenges, climate change being the major one. And Africa, with its fast growing population, and the region most behind on achieving the SDGs, is another priority.
At the same time, the EPG acknowledges that the system needs to adapt to be fit for the challenges and opportunities of the future. And that is also right. The multilateral system is valuable—let us invest in strengthening it.
The EPG has inspired us at the EBRD. We see opportunities to strengthen the system through a number of channels.
One is reinforcing our efforts to mobilise private financing—this must be at the core of the development finance agenda. The EPG elevates this message that EBRD takes to heart. Indeed, working with the private sector is part of EBRD’s DNA and is baked into our business and operating model. Private sector mobilisation is critical, and deepening local capital markets must be seen as integral to this work. The details of how best to scale up mobilisation need further and deeper discussion, and it is important to avoid being tempted by the promise of magic bullets. Creating sustainable markets requires long term, quality investment.
Another point is that financing alone is not enough. From our work on sustainably growing the private sector, we have learned that it requires the still too little incentivised—or recognised—work of implementing policy reforms. EBRD’s policy work and carefully designed activities with the public sector is often key to unleashing opportunities for the private sector. Partner countries need to implement the sometimes-difficult policy reforms to improve the investment climate and unlock opportunities for both foreign and domestic investors.
The EPG makes welcome and pointed recommendations on the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) working as a system. To deliver on financing and policy reforms, we need to coordinate, both at the country level in full collaboration with national authorities and at an institutional level. The momentum for policy reforms is best driven when development financiers are coherent in their messages to national authorities, and willing to engage in tough and frank discussions. The G20 is rightly promoting country platforms as a mechanism to improve this coordination.
Underpinning operational cooperation amongst the MDBs are strong institutional relationships. Indeed, through EBRD’s chairmanship of the MDB Heads group in 2018, we made sure that the work of MDBs as a system, alongside working with the private sector, was on the agenda for the MDB Heads.
Private sector investment, policy reforms, and coordination across the system are critical to delivering greater impact. But the EPG went a step further, touching on the governance of the whole system as key to its efficient functioning.
Alongside this work, we will continue to contribute to strengthening the international development finance system, promoting ever closer collaboration with our partners. And we look forward to the recommendations of another group formed to address similar issues, with a focus on Europe. We expect the recommendations from the High Level Group of Wise Persons on the European financial architecture for development in the autumn and they will no doubt continue to stimulate concerted action to deliver better, more and faster.